- CSEEP PreTask/PostTask Rating Form - The Pre Task Rating Form is to be completed immediately upon grant acceptance. Grant funds will be withheld until this form has been received by the grant office.The Post Task Rating Form is an exit requirement for the grant and must be completed in the last semester of grant participation.
- CSEEP Program Evaluation Form - Participants will receive a letter telling them when to complete this form. Please do not complete the form beforehand.
Employer Verification Form - This form is to be completed every fall semester prior to the tuition due date. The purpose is to verify your employment status and other information to confirm that you are eligible to receive continued grant funding. Grant funds will not be added to your account until your eligibility is verified. Your principal or supervisor must sign this form.
If you have any problems with these forms, please contact Tracy Murray at tmurray@amrop-me.com or call 757-683-5372 or toll free 1-800-968-2638 ext. 5372.